Dental health December 8, 2023 Is bad breath a health problem and how often is it seen?Bad breath usually occurs as a result of the breakdown of nutrients and other substances… Dişçim İstanbul
Dental health December 8, 2023 Brushing TechniquesKnowing tooth brushing and applying it correctly is of great importance to have healthy teeth… Dişçim İstanbul
Dental health December 8, 2023 Things To Know About ToothbrushesHow should a toothbrush be? Toothbrush has features that should be known and toothbrush selection… Dişçim İstanbul
Dental health December 8, 2023 Things To Do After Tooth ExtractionTHINGS TO DO AFTER TOOTH EXTRACTION Everyone gets a tooth extracted at a clinic one… Dişçim İstanbul
Dental health December 8, 2023 Does Bleaching Damage the Teeth?DOES BLEACHING DAMAGE THE TEETH? We would like to clarify the subject that everyone is… Dişçim İstanbul
Dental health December 8, 2023 Does Tartar Cleaning Damage the Tooth?Again, a topic that most people misinterpret. Does scaling harm the teeth? No. You usually… Dişçim İstanbul
Dental health December 8, 2023 About Root Canal TreatmentIt is a treatment that should be done when the dental pulp is damaged and… Dişçim İstanbul
Dental health December 8, 2023 Don’t be afraid to Whiten TeethAgain, a topic that most people misinterpret. Does scaling harm the teeth? No. You usually… Dişçim İstanbul
Dental health December 8, 2023 What is Zirconium Crown?There are several substances used in dental crowning. In the application phase, there are two… Dişçim İstanbul
Dental health December 8, 2023 Why is Zirconium Crowning Preferred?Why is Zirconium Crowning Preferred? Zirconium material has been used in aesthetic smile operations for… Dişçim İstanbul