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Gum Treatments

A healthy smile starts with strong gums. Our gum treatments give you the foundation needed for a healthy, confident smile. Contact us today and discover the healthy change in your smile.

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Symptoms of Gum Diseases

There are many causes of gum disease. There are cases when the gum becomes ill from the inside and outside (visible). Some of these symptoms are;

  • Intermittent dental infections,
  • Gingival redness, swelling,
  • Continuous bleeding during brushing,
  • Non-stop flowing inflammations,
  • Gradual recession of the gums and gaps between teeth,
  • Gingival bruises on treated teeth.

Apart from these, there may be internal diseases that may not be noticed. Therefore, doctor control is very important.

How Is Gum Treatment Done?

There are two conditions in gum diseases, simple and surgical procedures. These treatments are;

  • First, gingival checks are done and dentist x-ray your teeth when necessary.
  • Then the tartar and plaque are cleaned.
  • According to the progression of gingivitis, places called pockets are cleaned.
  • Antibiotic therapy may work for simple ailments.
  • Surgical intervention is used in advanced gum problems.
  • There are cases where gingival pockets require deep treatment. This process is called “curettage”.
  • When periodontal treatment is required, cutting and extraction procedures are performed.
  • In some cases, excess gums should be removed. This process is performed by specialist dentists.

Gum Problems

Gum Problems Related to Drug Use

The drugs used in the treatment of some diseases have a harmful effect on the gums. Especially powerful drugs used in epilepsy disorders cause damage to the gums and around the teeth. In addition, it is seen that the pills that patients with tissue-organ transplantation should use grow on the anterior gum surface. Medicines used for diseases such as high blood pressure and heart also cause gum color to change and grow.

Gum Disease as a Result of Smoking

It is seen that smoking causes tissue loss in some gum treatments. It is said that it destroys the vessels on the gum surface, damages the tissue, and negatively affects the treatment.

Do Gum Diseases Be Genetic?

It can also be seen in the children of most of those who have gum problems in the elementary family. This may not always be the case. However, when you apply to your dentist, it is useful to state if there is such a situation.

Periodontal Operation

It is an area that intervenes with tooth and gum diseases. In this area;

  • Jaw bone loss,
  • Enlarged gum problem,
  • Inflamed gums,
  • Tooth and gum recession.

Local anesthesia is applied in periodontal operation. The patient does not feel pain in the seat.

Periodontal Treatment Results

Since each treatment is individual, the patient is as important as the operation. Generally after treatment;

  • Teeth cleaned,
  • The gums have their normal color,
  • The problem of bleeding and inflammation is eliminated.

Gingivitis Disease

If the first stage of the problem progresses in gum diseases, it will be in the gingivitis stage. In this condition, gingivitis does not pass to the bone.

  • Bleeding occurs during tooth brushing.
  • Gingival discoloration and swelling occurs.
  • There is no pain.
  • If not intervened, it will pass to the next stage.

Gingival Flap Surgery

Sometimes serious intervention is required for lower gum problems. The process takes place by separating the gums and teeth. In this way, the bone and gingiva under the teeth are clearly visible. It is a procedure that requires local anesthesia.

Periodontitis Disease in Gums

If gingivitis is not treated, this is the next step. Since the inflammation is not treated, it passes to the tooth bone. A pocket space occurs between the tooth and the gum. Finally, if the presence of periodontal pockets occurs, the progress of the problem becomes easier.

Gum Treatment Cost

Gum diseases are divided into two parts as requiring and not requiring surgical procedure. Surgical procedures are more costly than others. The surgeon’s expertise, clinical cost, and the quality of the materials used are the factors that determine the price. You can enable us to contact you by filling out the form below.

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